• May 7, 2024

    We are hiring: Head of Communication

    We are looking for a Head of Communications to join our team in Kreuzberg as soon as possible.

    Click here for the job advertisement (only in German)
  • May 15, 2023

    Myriad and Not Just Celsius as guests at the Long Night of the Sciences

    The Interactive Media Foundation will present two of its projects during the Long Night of the Sciences. Myriad. Where we connect and Not Just Celsius are guests at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Both projects will be shown in the foyer of the main building.

    Long Night of the Sciences
  • June 16, 2022

    Read our latest newsletter here

    Our June newsletter has just been sent out: Read more about Interactive Media Foundation and their newest projects to be launched this year.
    You don't want to miss out on our next newsletters in English? Subscribe on this page below!

    Read more (German version)...
  • May 24, 2022

    MYRIAD wins at ADC: 6 Nails in Gold, Silver and Bronze

    “Von Satelliten aufgezeichnete Fluchtrouten der Tiere belegen das Artensterben auf unserem Planeten. Die Arbeit „Myriad“ macht viel mehr als die gewonnen Daten mit exzellenter Gestaltung zu visualisieren. Nein, sie lässt uns selbst zu den Tieren auf der Flucht vor dem außer Kontrolle geratenen Ökosystem werden und wir begreifen diese verheerende Situation nicht nur, sondern fühlen sie. Mehr Impact bei der Visualisierung von Daten geht nicht“, said the ADC jury.

  • May 11, 2022

    German Premiere: The crossmedia project MYRIAD presented at re:publica and Silbersalz-Festival

    After its world premiere at the 78th International Film Festival in Venice the VR Experience MYRIAD. WHERE WE CONNECT. can now be experienced in Germany: The multi platform project about animal migration in the Anthropocene celebrates its German premiere at the Science and Media Festival Silbersalz (15-19 June 2022) in Halle.
    A week earlier Michael Grotenhoff, CEO Interactive Media Foundation, Lena Thiele, Creative Director Miiqo Studios and Tom Millen, Curator of the Silbersalz exhibition program, present MYRIAD within a panel talk at the re:publica 22 (8-10 June 2022) in Berlin.

    To the Silbersalz festival...
  • November 10, 2021

    MYRIAD. Where we connect. awarded with Japan Prize

    The VR Experience has been awarded in the category "Digital Media Division". For the Japan Prize 2021 there were 267 entries for Audiovisual Works and Proposal Pitch from 48 countries and regions in the world.

  • September 29, 2021

    Exhibition Inside Tumucumaque at Gasometer Oberhausen

    The vr experience "Inside Tumucumaque" is part of the new Gasometer exhibition „The fragile paradise“ from 1 October to 30 December 2021 in the Oberhausen .

    To the exhibition...
  • September 8, 2021

    MYRIAD World Premiere in London

    The 360° 3-D documentary from the project "MYRIAD. Where we connect." about the adventurous reintroduction of the northern bald ibis celebrates its world premiere in London at the Open City Documentary Festival from 8-14 September.

  • July 30, 2021

    MYRIAD. Where we connect. at the 78th Venice International Film Festival of La Biennale Venezia

    The virtual reality experience on global animal migration "MYRIAD. Where we connect." will celebrate its world premiere at the 78th Venice International Film Festival of La Biennale Venezia in the section Venice VR Expanded (September 1-11, 2021). MYRIAD is thus in the running for one of the festival’s coveted Lions.

  • June 8, 2021

    Read the June Newsletter here

    Our June newsletter has just been sent out! Read more about Interactive Media Foundation and their newest projects to be launched this year. (German Only)
    You don't want to miss out on our next newsletters in English? Subscribe on this page below!

    Read the newsletter online...
  • April 30, 2021

    Article by Michael Grotenhoff in book "Interactive Storytelling for the Screen"

    Michael Grotenhoff, Creation Lead at Interactive Media Foundation, has contributed an article about Storytelling in Virtual Reality to the recently published book "Interactive Storytelling for the Screen".

    Go to book...
  • March 31, 2021

    The IMF team page is online

    On our new team page you can find the heads behind the Interactive Media Foundation.

    Go to team page...
  • January 29, 2021

    Deutschlandfunk Kultur about the Opera Maker

    " Eine Oper erschaffen... (ist) eine gute Möglichkeit, sich auch ohne Musikunterricht kreativ auszutoben...Selbstwirksamkeit und kreative Potenziale entdecken." ((Deutschlandfunk Kultur, German only)

  • January 18, 2021

    Interactive Media Foundation is a partner of the 42nd Film Festival Max Ophüls Preis 2021

    Inga von Staden, strategic lead at IMF, curated the think tank "Unlock the Industry: What will pandemic cinema look like?". 22 young talents and experts of the European film industry met for a 2-day workshop to jointly shape the future of the industry and to confront the effects of the pandemic.

    Read more pdf
  • December 3, 2020

    Read the November Newsletter here

    Our November newsletter has just been sent out! Read more about Interactive Media Foundation's new staff members, up-and-coming projects, successful events and projects in 2020 and much more. (German Only)
    You don't want to miss out on our next newsletters in English? Subscribe on this page below!

    Read our last newsletter here
  • September 30, 2020

    The Interactive Media Foundation is partner of the Human Rights Film Festival

    The Interactive Media Foundation supports the Human Rights Film Festival (30/09-11/10/2020) as a partner for the vr exhibition taking place for the first time. The renowned international festival takes place under the patronage of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Nadia Murad and has been opened by the former UNO General Secretary Ban Ki-moon. (German Only)

    Press Release (PDF)
  • September 21, 2020

    Code Week BW starts at 10 October, organised by our initiative Tinkertank

    EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun and engaging way. Code Week Baden-Württemberg is supported by Vector Stiftung and organised by our initiative Tinkertank in Ludwigsburg.

    Press Release (PDF in German Only)
  • September 16, 2020

    Meet up by Mediasphere For Nature and Deutsches Museum Digital Munich

    On September 17th 2020, Mediasphere For Nature and Deutsches Museum Digital Munich kicked off their joint Meetup series. On the program: "Myriad", the newest cross media project by Filmtank in cooperation with the Interactive Media Foundation.

  • July 20, 2020

    Interview to Audio Play Award for AUDIO. SPACE. MACHINE

    They just won the most prestigious German audioplay award for their script of our Bauhaus concept album AUDIO.SPACE.MACHINE: Christian Wittmann & Georg Zeitblom explain in this interview (in German) the concept behind this unique production.

  • July 1, 2020

    Inside Tumucumaque available in Oculus Store

    Take a journey into the Amazon rainforest on your couch: Our vr experience "Inside Tumucumaque" is available as a mobile interactive 360° experience in the Oculus store. Download it, beam yourself right into the middle of the rainforest and discover the exotic wildlife around you!

    Link to Oculus website
  • June 24, 2020

    AUDIO. SPACE. MACHINE receives one of the most important literary prizes

    "In particularly successful moments, the radio play crosses the boundaries of body, space and time", argued the jury.
    The most important literary prize granted to playwrights of audio plays in German language went to our Bauhaus concept album AUDIO. SPACE. MACHINE! (Article in German only)

  • June 17, 2020

    Das Totale Tanz Theater wins New York Festivals Awards

    Das Totale Tanz Theater 360 has received an award in the category "Use of Technology" by the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards.

  • May 29, 2020

    Das Totale Tanz Theater wins German Digital Award

    Das Totale Tanz Theater wins the "Deutscher Digital Award" in the category Digital Live Experience.

  • May 27, 2020

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports about vr experience "Inside Tumcumaque" (only in German language available).

    Watch Video at faz.net
  • April 20, 2020

    Die Deutsche Bühne about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    Anna-Carolin Weber über Das Totale Tanz Theater im "Schwerpunkt Tanz durch die digitale Welt" by "Deutschen Bühne": Wir haben es durch die Digitalisierung mit völlig neuen Dimensionen von Interaktionsmöglichkeiten und -paradigmen zu tun, einer Vielzahl von Chancen und Notwendigkeit zugleich." (German Only)

    Read more pdf
  • April 2, 2020

    Handelsblatt about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    Handelsblatt reports about Das Totale Tanz Theater (German Only).

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  • February 19, 2020

    Das Totale Tanz Theater is one of Forbes' top 35

    Forbes has listed Das Totale Tanz Theater as one of the top 35 XR Installations 2019.

  • November 25, 2019

    Museumsportal Berlin about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    Das Totale Tanz Theater at PalaisPopulaire Berlin (only in German language available).

    „Das Totale Tanz Theater – ein außergewöhnliches Projekt, das historische Recherchen, State-of-the-art-Technologie von heute und künstlerische Visionen der Zukunft vereint."

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  • September 6, 2019

    Sueddeutsche Zeitung about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    Süddeutsche Zeitung reports about the exhibition of "Das Totale Tanz Theater" at Muffatwerk München (only in German language available).

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  • August 14, 2019

    A blog article of the Phi Centre Montreal about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    "Gropius would probably have been delighted to see his ideas come to life in Das Totale Tanz Theater... Fusing music, dance, sculpture, architecture, and virtual costumes, the work highlights important concepts from the modernist school", writes Tanha Gomes in the Phi Centre blog.

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  • July 22, 2019

    Corriere della sera about Interactive Media Foundation

    Italy's newspaper Corriere della sera reports about "Bauhaus 100", Italy's only exhibition to the Bauhaus centenial.
    "Das Totale Tanz Theater 360" is part of the exhibition and can be viewed at Palazzo Buonaccorsi of the Macerata Museums until 3rd November 2019.

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  • July 5, 2019

    Süddeutsche Zeitung about "Inside Tumucumaque“

    Süddeutsche Zeitung reports about the exhibition of "Inside Tumucumaque" during the Filmfest München (only in German language available).

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  • May 27, 2019

    ADC winners: Das Totale Tanz Theater and Inside Tumucumaque win five Golden Nails and one Grand Prix

    „Das Totale Tanz Theater plays with the surreal and the real and interprets the original idea of ​​Bauhaus convincingly with the possibilities of today's technologies. The VR experience takes you into a monumental world that has been thought through to the smallest details in audio-visual terms," said the ADC jury.

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  • May 22, 2019

    Golem.de about Inside Tumucumaque

    "Inside Tumucumaque is an impressive experience, which has justifiably received several awards."

    Read more pdf
  • May 22, 2019

    De Volkskrant (NL) about Das Totale Tanz Theater at Eye Filmmuseum

    De Volkskrant reports about the exhibition of Das Totale Tanz Theater at Eye Filmmuseum (only in Dutch language available).

    Read more pdf
  • May 14, 2019

    Der Tagesspiegel about Inside Tumucumaque at Hamburger Bahnhof

    “‘Inside Tumucumaque’ succeeds in building a bridge between sensory perception and scientific interest."

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  • March 19, 2019

    Audio.Space.Machine nominated for Prix Italia 2019

    „Audio.Space.Machine. Ein Bauhaus-Konzeptalbum“ by wittmann/zeitblom has been nominated for the Prix Italia 2019. Audio.Space.Machine was realised in cooperation with the Interactive Media Foundation, the bauhaus 100 festival and the radio stations Deutschlandfunk, NDR and SWR. The Prix Italia will take place from 23 to 28 September in Rome. A press release by SWR.

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  • February 8, 2019

    Audio.Space.Machine wins radioplay award

    The Bauhaus concept album Audio.Space.Machine directed by wittmann/zeitblom has been awarded as "radioplay of the month January" by the German Academy of Dramatic Arts. A press release by Deutschlandfunk.

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  • January 22, 2019

    Press Release: Visitor Rush at the opening festival

    "As expected the biggest attractions are the virtual reality installation and the 360° video „Das Totale Tanztheater“, two world premieres of the Interactive Media Foundation and Filmtank in cooperation with Richard Siegal and Artificial Rome as well as the audio concept album "Audio.Space.Machine" by wittmann/zeitblom, which was produced especially for the festival.
    Press release to the opening festival "100 Years Bauhaus".

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  • January 16, 2019

    Sueddeutsche Zeitung about Das Totale Tanz Theater

    “Das Totale Tanz Theater is a captivating illusion machine – spectacular as an experience, as a work of art, as a continuation and extension of the Bauhaus idea into the 21st century."
    An article about "Das Totale Tanz Theater" in Sueddeutsche Zeitung, January 2019.

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  • January 15, 2019

    Süddeutsche Zeitung about Audio.Space.Machine

    "Ein musikalisches Hörspiel tobt durchs Bauhaus."
    An article about "Audio.Space.Machine" in Süddeutsche Zeitung, January 2019 (in German).

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  • October 25, 2018

    National Geographic About Inside Tumucumaque

    Virtual Reality in the Amazon rainforest. An article about "Inside Tumucumaque" in the National Geographic, October 2018.

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  • July 19, 2018

    Inside Tumucumaque - an interactive virtual reality experience.

    Fly with the harpy through the rainforest or swim with the Black Caiman in the Amazon. Users of this "virtual reality application" experience a part of the nature reserve "Tumucumaque" from the perspective of native animals.

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  • June 1, 2018

    Page 05/18 "Frogs on drugs"

    Virtual Reality in the Amazon rainforest. An article about "Inside Tumucumaque" in the magazine Page, May 2018.

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  • November 7, 2017

    Horizont 42/2017 about "Ulm Stories": Ahead of the past

    Virtual reality and audio components make Ulm's history come alive for all senses. A report by Bettina Sonnenschein, Horizont 42/2017 (only in German).

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  • November 7, 2017

    Educational Media Prize 2017: Award for Ninette - Thin is never thin enough

    The interactive comic tells the story of the 14-year-old Janette in a sensitive way: She falls ill with an eating disorder, but thanks to the support of her family and friends as well as a therapy, she finds her way out of anorexia. A difficult topic is taken up here in touching form and enriched with background information on the subject of nutrition, body and anorexia.

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  • October 5, 2017

    Ulm Stories is nominated for the European Cultural Brand Award 2017

    The 38-strong expert jury of the European Cultural Brand Award has decided in the publishing house of the Tagesspiegel. "Ulm Stories - Stories of a City" is one of three nominations for the "Trendmarke of the Year 2017" award.

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  • August 29, 2017

    Page eDossier about "Ulm Stories": How a Virtual Reality Designer works

    About requirements, cases and perspectives in Virtual Reality Design. The Virtual Reality application "Ulm Stories" by the Interactive Media Foundation makes the dream of flying possible and sets new standards in the field of VR. By Nina Kirst, Angelika Eckert and Michael Jonas. Page Online, published in August 2017 (in German only).

    Open/download PDF
  • August 7, 2017

    One of 10 projects in the „Bauhaus Fonds Today“ of The German Federal Cultural Foundation

    The German Federal Cultural Foundation promotes projects in the context of the 100th Anniversary of Bauhaus. „The Total Dance Theatre“, a project of Bauhaus Spirit, is part of the program. Man and machine in a virtual reality experience.

    Open/download PDF
  • June 22, 2017

    Die Zeit 26/2017 about Ulm Stories: "Ulm as in a dream"

    Virtual reality on a crazy device. An exciting time journey, experienced by Stefan Schmitt. From the Zeit 26/2017 (only in German available).

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  • May 2, 2017

    Ninette - Thin is not thin enough, nominated for Grimme Online Award 2017!

    With its interactive comic, the IMF Interactive Media Foundation is entering the competition for the coveted trophy.

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  • October 15, 2016

    Minecraft against the alleged desolation

    35,000 inhabitants live in the concrete piles only 400 meters before Brandenburg, many even really like the image is now to be spiced up: with teenagers and the computer game Minecraft.

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  • October 1, 2016

    Made of scrap new

    At the latest, one look at one of the videos awakens even with declared "anti-do-it-yourselfer" the handicraft and imitation drive. Especially for the upcoming dark season you will find good ideas for creative projects.

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  • September 8, 2016

    With the help of comics against eating disorders

    In times of digital media, young people are increasingly confronted with a body image that promotes slenderness as a beauty ideals. Especially in the digital environment, which reaches the target group, it needs an independent and reliable voice.

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  • February 12, 2016

    FWA Interview: Maya Puig Eriksson for Interactive Media Foundation

    I try to move into the new and unknown with trust and fearlessness. Open and curious. And then even the smallest things in life can become the greatest adventure. And if there is fear, I better follow it. That is usually where the really interesting stuff happens and I learn the most.

    Read more pdf
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