MYRIAD in Potsdam 31.05. + 01.06. Green Visions Filmfestival Potsdam
Photo: Moritz Bernoully

For the first time, MYRIAD. Where we connect. can be seen as an expansive, interactive installation. As part of the exhibition "Bending the Curve - Knowing, Acting, Caring for Biodiversity" at the Frankfurter Kunstverein, MYRIAD. Where we connect. invites visitors to follow the incredible routes of migrating animals, to engage in a poetic, immersive experience and to question their own role in the fragile Earth system.

Foto: Moritz Bernoully © Frankfurter Kunstverein

Monumental sculptural carbon modules covered with large-format projection mappings, a multi-channel audio system and an interactive floor projection combine with the award-winning VR experience and 360° 3D documentation to create an experience in space. The content is based on migration data of more than 22,000 animals, a poetic narration and the stories of impressive species of our planet.

How do we encounter the animals that embark on long, punishing journeys, leaving us with impressions of a fragile, threatened environment? MYRIAD. Where we connect. creates a shift in perspective that allows us to see ourselves as part of the interconnected system that is Earth.

Photo: Moritz Bernoully

MYRIAD. Where we connect. is a project of the Interactive Media Foundation and Filmtank in co-creation with Miiqo Studios, Context Film and Artifical Rome. The sound scenography was developed by klingklangklong, the exhibition architecture was designed by unit-berlin.The installation in Frankfurt is supported by Frankfurter Kunstverein.

MYRIAD. Where we connect. was created in close collaboration with numerous scientific institutions such as the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

All those involved in the installation at the Frankfurter Kunstverein can be found here

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MYRIAD. Where we connect. transforms scientific evidence into sensual experiences through the means of art. [...] The arts, and MYRIAD in particular, make a significant contribution here to a changed relationship between humans and nature.

Franziska Nori, Director of the Frankfurter Kunstverein