Not Just Celsius

A multimedia campaign on climate justice

Climate Change and Justice

Climate change is having a devastating impact on everyone - but not everyone is being hit equally hard. Often, it's those who have contributed least to global warming who are already suffering the most.

Not Just Celsius shows how climate change and inequality are linked - and what role international jurisprudence can play in bringing the scales back into balance.

Multimedia narrative

Through films, social media, and website, Not Just Celsius uses scientific data to show how climate change is exacerbating existing inequalities. Not Just Celsius uses concrete examples to illustrate what climate change means for those affected in each case and the impact it has.

Climate Justice and Law

International jurisprudence is increasingly being used by NGOs and initiatives around the world as a tool to push governments to act and share the burden of climate change more equitably. Not Just Celsius explains how the actors are proceeding, what they are accomplishing - and how everyone can participate and join in.